У Honda Civic случилось «раздвоение личности» (видео)
Компания Honda выпустила необыкновенный интерактивный промо ролик с «заряженным» Civic Type R 2015-го модельного года. В маленьком 3-минутном видео продемонстрированы один сутки и одна ночь из судьбы обладателя японского хетчбэка, что днем есть простым семьянином и ездит на стандартном «Цивике», а ночью, пересев за руль Type R его жизнь кардинально изменяется.
Начинается видео как простая неинтересная автомобильная реклама — радостный папа везет собственных детей на костюмированную вечеринку, но стоит лишь надавить на клавиатуре клавишу R и короткометражное кино сходу преобразовывается в загадочный триллер, поскольку выясняется, что ночью на «заряженном» Type R данный шофер участвует в достаточно странных делах (для полноты результата нужно перейти на полную версию, дешёвую на YouTube).
Новый Civic Type R будет представлен в следующем году, ожидается, что под капотом автомобиля будет установлен 2.0-литровый двигатель с турбонаддувом, развивающий более 280 лошадиных сил. Модель кроме этого возьмёт спортивный обвес кузова и «волшебную» клавишу R на рулевом колесе, благодаря которой возможно скоро перейти в спортивный режим езды.
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Heist aims to bring to life these two sides of Honda by putting fans at the heart of a high-adrenaline dual narrative. The story unfolds in two parallel tales, one set during the day and the на данный момент at night. The daytime story sees a father picking his daughter up from school in his white Civic and driving her to a surprise party.
By contrast the night-time narrative shows the father’s other side — an undercover cop driving a crew of art thieves to a police sting, in a head-turning red Type R. While very different in tone, the two stories mirror each other perfectly in their composition.
The Heist opens with the Civic in the daytime, with titles prompting interaction as they roll. From here the viewer can switch between the Civic and the Type R narrative, simply by pressing the ‘R’ button on their keyboard. The effect is dramatic and heart-racing, a big enjoyable как следует shift between stories echoing the sensation of pressing the new Type R’s ‘R’ button to activate ‘Race Mode’.
A press of the ‘R’ button puts the director’s cut into the viewers’ hands, allowing them to switch in real time between two mirrored story lines. Through sound design and seamlessly matched scenes, you can’t help but feel the power of Honda’s other side.
Heist launches on YouTube on October 30th, kicking off a pan-European campaign set to continue through 2015. See the film here: http://youtu.be/7ov6Zq_bp6c
As an extra treat for racing fans, Gabriele Tarquini, Honda’s successful WTCC driver, makes a cameo appearance. But blink and you’ll miss him! He’s hidden away to encourage further engagement in social media channels.
Martin Moll, Honda Motor Europe’s Head of Marketing, says, “This campaign marks a very significant time for our brand. The Civic Type R is one of four new car launches for Honda in 2015 and provides a powerful halo-effect for the marque. Just as our products are renowned for being innovative, our communications style will amplify this. By way of example, we are not aware of anyone else creating interactive user content in the same dramatic way, which should give it a very strong appeal.“
Heist was shot by acclaimed director Daniel Wolfe, the creative force behind award-winning commercials, music videos and the recent Cannes Film Festival highlight ‘Catch Me Daddy’. Music was scored by Bobby Krlic of The Haxan Cloak.
Daniel Wolfe, director at Somesuch says: “’I love this idea, the raw simplicity of just one button. Type R. The user creates the cuts. Jumps between worlds.
It was a joy to work on: create two dual narratives that weave in and out.
Get to work with Jean-Philippe Ricci, Slimane Dazi and Mourad Frarema. Shoot on 35mm with Robbie Ryan. Create the two sides of the Honda world, and bring them into collision. Honda has a heritage of great advertising, and it was a pleasure to work with Scott Dungate, Lou Hake and на данный момент Wieden’s team on this project.’
Scott Dungate, Creative Director at Wieden+Kennedy London, says, “The beauty of this idea is in the simplicity of the interaction. The simple act of pressing ‘R’ empowers the viewer to drive film, toggling between the two stories. It’s very satisfying and addictive jumping from the Civic day world to the high octane night не of the TYPE R. It’s like going into race mode, and putting your foot down.
You get a sense of power and excitement. Through this we hope people will feel Honda’s other side as well as see it.’
Теги: honda видео
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