Seat Ibiza пятого поколения: чёрта и официальные фотографии
Seat представил хэтчбек Ibiza пятого поколения. Сейчас модель будет только пятидверной, возьмёт бензиновые и дизельные турбомоторы мощностью от 80 до 150 л.с., светодиодные фары, и широкий комплект дополнительных опций. В Европе новинку начнут реализовывать в текущем году.
Seat Ibiza показался в первой половине 80-ых годов XX века. Эта модель продержалась на конвейере продолжительнее любого другого «Сеата», и стала самой массовой для испанской марки – счет реализованных «Ибиц» перешагнул отметку в 5.4 млн экземпляров.
Хэтчбек пятого поколения призван развить успех предшественников, и привлечь более состоятельных клиентов. Ibiza новой итерации стала первым автомобилем Seat на самой маленькой версии модульной платформы Volkswagen MQB A0.
Mercedes-Benz сравнительно не так давно представил новую концепцию дизайна для компактных моделей с минимальным числом угловатых переходов и граней между секциями корпуса. В концерне Volkswagen философия совсем другая – дизайнеры Seat сделали новую Ibiza ещё более "сложной", как Seat Leon актуальной версии.
В Seat объявили, что Ibiza пятого поколения существенно просторнее, крепче и надёжнее предшественника. Новый хэтчбек на 87 мм шире, на 2 мм меньше и на 1 мм ниже прошлого. Помимо этого спереди колея расширена на 60 мм, а позади – на 48 мм.
Наконец, колесная база взяла прибавку в 95 мм, и сейчас образовывает 2 564 мм, что на 94 мм превышает подобный показатель пятидверного Volkswagen Polo. Количество багажника увеличен на 63 л – до 355 л. Жесткость кузова на кручение выросла на 30%.
Расстояние от спинок передних сидений до подушки заднего дивана увеличено на 35 мм. Сами сидения стали шире на 42 мм, над головами переднего пассажира и водителя прибавились 24 мм свободного пространства, а над головами пассажиров второго последовательности – 17 мм.
Все двигатели нового Seat Ibiza соответствуют стандарту Евро-6, что начнет функционировать в Украине с 2018 года. Бензиновая гамма складывается из трех турбомоторов: трехцилиндрового 1.0 TSI мощностью 95 либо 115 л.с., и 150-сильной «четверки» 1.5 TSI, которая покажется в конце 2017 года. Дизельный турбодвигатель TDI возможно лишь 1.6-литровым, но в трёх вариантах форсировки: на 80, 95 и 115 л.с.
Seat Ibiza первым в классе взял всецело светодиодные фары, задние фонари, задние противотуманки и подсветку тумблеров в салоне. Но, в Seat не уточнили, есть ли таковой комплект базисным либо опциональным. В салоне как и снаружи стало меньше округлостей и больше прямоугольников: более строгие дефлекторы, всецело перекомпонованные дверные карты и перемещенный подальше от глаз водителя тумблер режимов работы светотехники.
Кроме этого в некоторых государствах Европы New Ibiza будет доступна с адаптированным для работы на метане (CNG) двигателем 1.0 TSI мощностью 90 л.с. Трансмиссии – 5-ступенчатая «механика» для 95-сильного и менее замечательных силовых агрегатов, и 6-ступенчатая МКПП для более производительных предположений. Двухпедальные модификации возьмут 7-ступенчатый «робот» DSG.
Новый Seat Ibiza будет ислючительно пятидверным. Сеатовцы утверждают, что новинка менее подвержена посторонним шумам и вибрациям в салоне.
Ibiza взяла четыре выполнения: Reference, Style, FR и Xcellence. Версия FR есть самой «спортивной» и кроме иных бамперов отличается от собратьев более твёрдой подвеской, и ездовыми настройками Normal и Спорт.
Вариант Xcellence, наоборот, рекомендован для более спокойной езды и характеризуется большой комплектацией. Наряду с этим как для FR, так и для Xcellence дешева декоративная LED-подсветка салона.
Самые дорогие предположения Seat Ibiza пятого поколения возьмут 18-дюмовые колесные диски. Для четвертого поколения заводским максимумом являются 17-дюмовые.
В перечень дешёвых опций Seat Ibiza вошли: совокупность автоматического аварийного торможения, адаптивный круиз-контроль, ассистент перемещения в пробках, бесключевой доступ в запуск и салон двигателя кнопкой, передний и задний парктроники с камерой заднего вида, и беспроводная зарядка смартфона с усилителем GSM-сигнала. На машины старших комплектаций с камерой заднего вида будет устанавливаться мультимедийная совокупность с 8-дюймовым сенсорным дисплеем, и помощью приложений Apple CarPlay, Android Auto и Mirror Link. Ещё одной опцией станет акустика от Beatsaudio.
Публичная презентация Seat Ibiza пятого поколения пройдёт в марте на автосалоне в Женеве. Европейский старт продаж ожидается в июне. Цены пока не раскрываются.
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The best Ibiza ever
The New SEAT Ibiza is already here loaded with the latest technology features, outstanding dynamics, and an impressive improvement in interior space and comfort. The Spanish brand’s most important model has all-new styling while preserving the same youthful, functional, sporty and comfortable spirit as always.
And it does so также fresh design that reflects the latest SEAT distinctive character by continuing with the brand’s DNA but with an edgier, sportier design, featuring more sculpted, accentuated, exciting and streamlined surfaces. The fifth generation of the SEAT Ibiza will make its public debut at the next Geneva Auto Show and go on sale in June 2017.
The new SEAT Ibiza, then, is a completely new model that was created with very ambitious goals in mind: To go a major step ahead in safety, design, performance and comfort. This huge advance in quality was achieved thanks to the new MQB A0 modular platform. The new SEAT Ibiza is the Volkswagen Group first model to use this platform, highlighting SEAT’s importance within the Group and offering countless advantages.
Launched in 1984 for the first time, the Ibiza has become an icon of SEAT. This car has been around the longest in the history of the brand and is its top-selling model, with over 5.4 million units sold. The Ibiza is one of the three pillars of the company, together with the Leon and Ateca, on which SEAT relies to continue building the success of the company in the future.
More compact, roomier, more efficient
The new SEAT Ibiza has impressively increased its interior roominess, it is a lot more robust, and also, a lot safer. It is much wider by a stunning 87 mm, it is two mm shorter and one lower than the previous model, but more than anything, the change in its dimensions conveys a powerful image of a car that hugs the ground. And the key is in the new MQB A0 platform.
The wheeltrack is 60 mm wider at the front axle and 48 at the rear axle, while the distance between the axles is 2,564 millimetres, a 95-mm increase. The result is a much more comfortable car, with the new SEAT Ibiza being both roomier on the inside and larger on the outside. For example, leg room in the back seats has increased by 35 mm, while the head room has gone up by 24 mm in the front seats and 17 mm in the back.
The seats are an astonishing 42 mm wider, making the new SEAT Ibiza one of the best in its class in this area. The boot has also been enlarged by 63 litres, bringing its total capacity to 355 litres, making it best in class. The loading height has also been lowered, proof that SEAT knows how to combine design and functionality.
All of the engines available on the new SEAT Ibiza comply with the Euro6 emissions regulation and lead the way in performance, with outstanding features, high mileage and low emissions. There are three aluminium block and cylinder petrol engines to choose from. The first option is the 3 cylinder 1.0 TSI with 95 or 115 PS, along with a turbocompressor, intercooler and direct injection.
A new 1.5 TSI will be available in late 2017 with four cylinders and 150 PS. Efficient 1.6 TDI diesel engines will come in 80, 95 and 115 PS varieties. Finally, the new MQB A0 platform allows the New Ibiza to offer a compressed-natural gas (CNG) powered 90-PS 1.0 TSI engine.
SEAT is the first maker to offer an engine of this type in this class.
The gearboxes available are a manual 5-speed transmission for the 95-PS and lower engines and a 6-speed transmission for the more powerful engines.
The dual-clutch DSG 7-speed gearbox is another of the options available on the new SEAT Ibiza.
The car’s dynamic behaviour, ride quality and driving comfort are exceptional thanks to the new MQB A0 platform, as well as to the 30% higher torsional stiffness. The new SEAT Ibiza is only available in a 5-door option, which is now more functional and the new design offers the sportier look of a 3-door немного. There have also been qualitative leaps forward in terms of noise control, vibrations and ride harshness.
The new SEAT Ibiza offers the quality of a more luxurious automobile.
It’s also agile in the city, efficient on curved roads and offers excellent comfort on long trips.
Four trim packages and the most advanced technology
The new SEAT Ibiza will offer four equipment lines, starting with the Reference followed by the Style trim. The top-of-the-range will be the FR and XCellence trims.
The FR trim comes with the most dynamic and technological equipment to enjoy the best performance. Exclusive dynamic design elements have been specifically created for it like, rear diffuser, exclusive front bumper, спорт suspension and exclusive exterior black pack.
The XCellence trim aims at reaching new customers looking for a more sophisticated and distinctive design combined with more convenient and smart functional equipment.
Both trims will have the same price and are intended to offer the best possible options to different types of drivers: FR is for those looking for a sportier car, while XCellence focuses on comfort, elegance and technology.
The interior ambient LED lighting for the FR and XCellence versions is offered in two colours, red and white. The use of LED technology for the interior and exterior lights is not an aesthetic whim. LEDs offer much higher quality lighting while saving energy, thus yielding improved fuel economy.
The full LED lights on the Ibiza (headlights, dashboard, indicators and rear fog lights) are new in this class.
The FR trim includes a stiffer suspension and offers two mode settings, Normal and Спорт, to adapt to the driver’s preferences or to the conditions on the road. The XCellence trim will also offer this possibility later on, with a softer setting.
The driving assistance systems built into the new Ibiza include elements that, while already present in Leon and Ateca, are quite unusual in this class. The new SEAT Ibiza features Front Assist, Traffic Jam Assist, Adaptive Cruise Control, Keyless Entry System with heartbeat engine start button, a new generation of front and rear parking sensors and a rear view camera with a higher quality and precision reflected in a premium 8» touchscreen with glass panel. Is the very first time that the SEAT Ibiza has a huge and functional integrated 8» touchscreen that offers the best technology without compromising the interior harmony.
In the interior, one of the most outstanding features of the new model is the wireless charger with GSM amplifier. светло синий terms of connectivity, the New SEAT Ibiza is the only car 100% connected thanks to three options: Apple Car Play, Android Auto and Mirror Link. SEAT is committed to becoming a front runner in connected cars and developing new mobility solutions where the connected car enhances user experience, making it easier and more flexible.
In an environment of disruptive changes, SEAT is eager to deal with the challenges posed by urban infrastructures, traffic systems and vehicles in cities, offering these technologies in most of its vehicles.
The в первых рядах SEAT Ibiza presents a partnership with Beatsaudio soundsystem, a brand bringing energy, emotion and excitement that has changed the way people listen to music. It uses a digital signal processor (DSP), 7 premium speakers and an 8-channel with 300W amplifier.
MQB A0 Platform
The latest technology from the Volkswagen Group, the MQB platform — Modular Quer Baukasten -, allows higher manufacturing flexibility and robust implementation, as it supports different models and allows for different body types within the same segment and different wheelbase configurations can be achieved within the same base platform. SEAT’s investments and R&D expenditure in recent years were partially allocated to adapt Line 1 at the Martorell factory to the new MQB A0 platform, allowing SEAT to be the first company of the Volkswagen group to также technology.
The number of parts using Hot-Forming technology has been increased, and that contributes to reduce weight and to increase rigidity, therefore improving performance and accounting for lower consumption. In particular for the new Ibiza, 900 robots and more than 4000 welding points guarantee the robustness of the vehicle. Spot welding combined with laser technology bring components together with a great result: A lightweight body with extreme structural stiffness.
Design: the next step in SEAT’s DNA
Thanks to more than three decades of history and its importance as the main pillar in the SEAT brand, the 5th generation of the Ibiza has been a total challenge in terms of design. It had to be fresh and young, and yet mature and balanced too. And this is how the new SEAT Ibiza stands out straight away; its perfect proportions, strong character and agile look.
Its characteristic SEAT brushstrokes have not just been maintained, but taken to the next level, pushing the evolution of SEAT’s design DNA. You only need a glance to feel what the designer sketched when creating the new car and see that this is the best design SEAT has ever come up with in the A0 category.
At the front of the car, the triangular Full LED headlights and the iconic daylight graphics make the new SEAT instantly recognisable. The badge is not only displayed proudly on the grille, but is also enhanced by the two characteristic lines on the bonnet, with a slight gap in the chrome frame. The x-shaped design gives great dynamism and incredible visual stability.
The front and rear overhangs are very short, with the four wheels situated on the four corners of the car, making the car stable, dynamic and sporty. The longer wheelbase and window graphics accentuate the size of the new Ibiza, while the double blisters down the length of the car are typically SEAT, giving the car a more expressive, three-dimensional look. The bodywork has been beautifully sculpted, combining sharp lines and smooth surfaces.
Its new wheels, up to 18 inches and with two tones to choose from, give an elegant touch.
The rear of the car is also typical of the Ibiza. Its rear lights wrap around the car, interacting with the blisters at the rear, properly proportioned within a unique design and offering семь дней aerodynamic performance. The boot’s strong lines and bumpers make the car appear wide and give the car an almost monolithic look, while the rear reflectors appear to bring the car closer to the ground.
The FR trim comes with details that bring out its sporty character, such as the exhaust tips either side of the rear bumper. The XCellence trims receive chrome details that emphasise their sophistication and refinement.
In terms of the interior, the same design steps have been followed that are now in the SEAT Leon and Ateca, but this time with a new vision for its design language. More tension, more technical and precise lines and lighter proportions have all been added in order to achieve a more elegant look and a greater level of perceived quality, while new materials have managed to safeguard its youthful and dynamic character.
Structurally, a special emphasis has been put on its horizontal proportions in the assembly of its different functional areas, including the elevated console in the interior to improve ergonomic performance and safety. The aim was to achieve perfect proportions and a greater sense of space and comfort.
All of the controls and instruments are situated around the driver in the highest position possible to avoid the driver having to take his or her eyes off the road. Just as with the new Leon and Ateca, the start button is in the same place, to the left of the gearbox. This is also in the highest position possible for ease-of-use.
Upon analysing the top quality of each and every detail of the new SEAT Ibiza, one cannot help but think of models in higher categories, from the innumerable personalisation possibilities to the possibility of choosing the colour of the interior LED lighting, without forgetting of course the onboard technology, such as the 8-inch touchscreen and the Full Link connectivity system. The cockpit is protected by an Air Care filter that isolates the occupants from any type of allergens, creating a completely contaminant-free space.
Its exciting design, its dynamic behaviour and driving quality, the feeling of incredible stability and reliability on the road, vastly improved interior quality, incredibly safe and easy-to-use technology, roomier interior, all combine to make the new SEAT Ibiza, a really attractive option and of course at the best price.
Теги: seat новинки авто хэтчбек
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