Renault создала электрический фургон с запасом хода 200 километров
Компания Renault Pro+ представила на автосалоне в Брюсселе электрическую версию фургона Master, и модернизированный Kangoo Z.E. с увеличенным на 50% запасом хода. Так, электрическая линейка французской марки сейчас складывается из четырех моделей: Twizy, Zoe, Kangoo Z.E. и Master Z.E.
Новый электромобиль Renault Master Z.E. укомплектован аккумуляторной батареей ёмкостью 33 кВт⋅ч и одним мотором R75 мощностью 57 кВт (76 л.с.), что кроме этого устанавливается на хэтчбек Renault Zoe. От одной 100-процентной зарядки коммерческий фургон проезжает по европейскому испытательному циклу NEDC до 200 км. При подключении к зарядной станции мощностью 7 кВт восстановление запаса энергии занимает около шести часов.
Снаружи электрический Renault Master никак не отличается от дизельных. Новинка будет продаваться в трех вариантах длины и двух предположениях высоты.
В компании Renault ожидают, что новинка окажется востребованной для доставки товаров в черте города, потому, что по грузоподъёмности и вместимости электрокар не уступает дизельным модификациям, но наряду с этим не выбрасывает в воздух вредных веществ. Весомое преимущество на фоне недавних заявлений мэров Парижа, Мадрида, Афин и Мехико о запрете до 2025 года эксплуатации в городах дизельных машин. Европейские продажи Renault Master Z.E. начнутся в конце 2017 года.
Renault Kangoo Z.E.
Компактный фургон Renault Kangoo Z.E взял такую же как у «Мастера» аккумуляторную батарею емкостью 33 кВт⋅ч, новый мотор мощностью 60 л.с., что выстроен на базе силового агрегата R75/90 для обновленного Renault Zoe, и иное зарядное устройство (как у Renault Master Z.E.). С мотором и новой батареей паспортный запас хода Kangoo Z.E. вырос со 170 до 270 км, а в приближенных к повседневным условиях – до 200 км.
В компании «Рено» объявили, что в настоящее время это лучший показатель «дальнобойности» для электрического LCV. Во Франции и некоторых вторых государствах Европы модернизированный Kangoo Z.E. возможно будет приобрести начиная с лета этого года.
Семейство электромобилей Renault. Слева направо: Twizy, Zoe, Kangoo Z.E., Master Z.E.
Напомним, новая версия Renault Zoe – ZE 40 – была рассекречена в сентябре 2016 года. Такая модификация хэтчбека взяла аккумуляторную батарею ёмкостью 41 кВт⋅ч (вместо батареи ёмкостью 22 кВт⋅ч), модернизированную совокупность охлаждения и энергоменеджмента, и опциональную совокупность стремительной зарядки.
Двигатели – мощностью 77 либо 88 л.с., в зависимости от модификации. От одной зарядки хэтчбек с новым оборудованием проезжает до 400 км в цикле NEDC и около 300 км – в настоящих условиях.
Продемонстрировать пресс-релиз Скрыть
- Renault Pro+ announces world premier of two new commercial electric vehicles: New Kangoo Z.E.* and Master Z.E.* to add to its electric LCV family.
- New Kangoo Z.E. gains a new battery and a new engine with a range increase of over 50%: 270 km NEDC** — creating new category leader.
- Master Z.E. brings the expertise of Renault, European leader in electric vehicles, to the large van segment.
- New connected services enable professional customers to do better business by connecting van to their activity.
Brussels Motorshow, Belgium — Renault Pro+ today announces two world premier additions to its Renault Pro+ range of electric vehicles. With four electric light commercial vehicles (LCV), this range is unique in the world. Moreover the company expands its range of connected services for commercial customers as well as its specialist network.
"Renault Pro+ is market leader in electric LCV sales in Europe. With New Kangoo Z.E. and Master Z.E., Renault Pro+ is continuing to expand its tailor made offering dedicated to professional customers, while developing connected services for business users. We are confident that our professional customers will experience our Zero Emission* connected vans which will significantly contribute to better business as well as driving experience."
Ashwani Gupta — Global Head of Light Commercial Vehicle Business
"Today’s announcement marks another advancement in Renault’s EV leadership, with two new additions to our lineup that expand access to the benefits of electric mobility, to more people. Renault is focused on a Zero Emission* future, and we look forward to bringing next-generation EV solutions to our professional customers."
Gilles Normand — Global Head of Electric Vehicle Business
A unique range of four electric light commercial vehicles
Renault Pro+ now includes four electrics LCVs: Twizy Cargo (a quadricycle with a boot launched in 2014), New Commercial ZOE (based on New ZOE with a range of 400 km NEDC launched in September 2016), New Kangoo Z.E. and Master Z.E.
New Kangoo Z.E. — New Kangoo Z.E. features major innovations: a new battery, new engine, new charger, new innovative connected services, and a heat pump in the air conditioning system.
New Kangoo Z.E. is equipped with a new "Z.E.33" battery (33kWh) and also gains a new engine, 100% Renault, developing 60 hp and based on the ZOE R75/90 engine. It is built in France at the Renault Cleon plant.
New Kangoo Z.E. now proposes a range of 270 km NEDC compared with 170 km for Kangoo Z.E. In real use, on a delivery cycle3***, the vehicle would have a range of around 200 km with a single load. New Kangoo Z.E. has a greater available range than any other electric LCV.
New Kangoo Z.E. cuts charging time thanks to a new-generation 7 kW AC charger. A full charge takes around six hours from a 7 kW WallBox. With this more powerful charger, New Kangoo Z.E. recovers a range of 35 km in just one hour of charging (in a temperate climate).
New Kangoo Z.E. features a real innovation in the world of electric LCVs: a heat pump linked to the air conditioning, maintaining range in cold weather.
New Kangoo Z.E. is built in France and will go on sale in Europe from mid-2017.
Master Z.E.: Renault’s expertise in electric vehicles soon available in a large van
Master Z.E. gains the Z.E. expertise of Renault, European leader in electric vehicles, while maintaining all the qualities that have made Master a benchmark in the heavy van sector.
This electric version of Master is aimed primarily at fleets running last-mile distribution services in the city, as well as large municipalities and local government. This heavy van’s load characteristics, range and charge time are tailored to the needs of business customers in and around cities.
Master Z.E. is equipped with the "Z.E. 33" battery (33 kWh) and fitted with the R75, an engine of advanced energy efficiency,with output of 57 kW/76 hp, inherited from ZOE. Master Z.E. has a range of 200 km NEDC.
Master Z.E. takes less than one night to charge: a full charge takes six hours with the 7 kW WallBox.
Master Z.E. will arrive in the European market at the end of 2017.
Connected services for all Renault LCV customers
Like its consumer electric vehicles, LCV customers can also take advantage of new connected services like Z.E. Trip and Z.E. Pass on New Kangoo Z.E.
These services enable an easy charging on one of Europe’s 80,000 public EV charging points.
In 2017, Renault Pro+ will also be rolling out a number of other connected services dedicated to business users, starting with two prioritary service families, "Fleet Management" and "Predictive Maintenance".
"Fleet Management" is a telematic service which gives access for fleet managers to:
- valuable vehicle data for effective and efficient business management.
- better total cost of ownership (TCO), cutting fleet running costs (lower consumption, manage and plan servicing).
"Predictive Maintenance" involves issuing real-time information on the vehicle’s condition. Based on the predictive data analysis system, it helps to:
- Plan ahead for maintenance and thus optimize servicing costs.
- Maximize vehicle availability to increase productivity.
- Ensure driver safety.
About Renault Pro+
Building on its position in Europe and a strong base in Latin America and Africa, Renault Pro+ is pursuing its global ambitions with an even wider range of vehicles tailored to the many and varied needs of business customers. Renault Pro+ is continuing to expand its offer through a range of services dedicated to LCV users, delivered primarily through a global network of 650 specialist centres, meeting the highest standards.
(*) Zero Emissions in use: no emissions of CO2 or regulated air pollutants during driving, in compliance with the NEDC homologation cycle, excluding wear parts
(**) NEDC: New European Driving Cycle, the European standard measuring emissions and fuel consumption.
(***) Delivery cycle: a real cycle based on a business user making deliveries over a distance of 107 km around a city and on motorways over a period of 2 hrs and 25 minutes.
Теги: renault новинки авто фургон электромобиль
Обзор электромобиля Рено Кангу, часть 1 — Renault Kangoo Z.E. тест-драйв и видеообзор
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