«Копейка» BMW стала седаном
Компания BMW представила автомобиль 1 Series Sedan названный первым компактным спортседаном баварской марки. На рынке новая четырёхдверка будет противопоставлена таким моделям как Mercedes-Benz CLA и Audi A3, вот лишь в ближайщее время реализовывать такую «копейку» будут только в Китае.
Предвестником серийного BMW 1 Series Sedan есть прототип Compact Sedan Concept, что был представлен в ноябре 2015 года на автосалоне в китайском Гуанчжоу. Седан создан совместно со стратегическим партнёром BMW в Китае — компанией Brilliance, а изготавливать его будут на совместном предприятии германской и китайской компаний в Китае — BMW Brilliance Automotive ЛТД.
На фотографии под заголовком — серийный BMW 1 Series Sedan. На данном снимке — прошлогодний прототип BMW Compact Sedan Concept
Технических подробностей об автомобиле производитель не привёл, по неофициальной информации модель выстроена на переднеприводной платформе UKL, на которой базируются BMW X1, BMW 2 Series Active Tourer и Gran Tourer, и новые машины марки MINI. Возможно, от этих моделей четырёхдверке достанутся и поперечно расположенные двигатели — «турботройки» количеством 1.5 л и наддувные четырёхцилиндровые моторы количеством 2.0 л.
Интерьер BMW Compact Sedan Concept
Как мы знаем, что BMW 1 Series Sedan возьмёт фирменную совокупность помощи водителю ConnectedDrive, а дизайн интерьера серийного автомобиля будет более консервативным, чем у прошлогоднего концепт-кара. Производство автомобиля начнётся в осеннюю пору 2016 года, поставлять его за пределы Поднебесной пока не планируется. Дополнительную данные, фотографии и видеоролики с новым автомобилем баварцы опубликуют в скором будущем.
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Beijing. The BMW Group and BMW Brilliance Automotive ЛТД. (BBA) will further explore the premium compact segment in China with the BMW 1 Series Sedan – the first compact спорт sedan under the BMW brand. This makes BBA’s product range in the compact class even more comprehensive with premium entry-level cars covering segments of the Active Tourer, Sports Activity Vehicle, and Спорт Sedan, attracting new customer groups to become premium car owners.
The premium compact car segment is the fastest growing segment worldwide and in China.
The BMW 1 Series Sedan is the most sporty and emotional sedan in segment. It is an exclusive model tailored and aligned to the needs of Chinese customers, solely produced and specifically sold in China. The development and testing of the new car was taken place in the BMW headquarters with the involvement of Chinese engineers.
The new car also performed intensive road tests in respect to different circumstances of road conditions and climate situations on different terrains in China.
With the BMW 1 Series Sedan, BMW engineers have made a lot of specific fine-tuning and improvements according to the Chinese customers’ habits and vehicle-use environment.
The BMW 1 Series Sedan is originated from the concept car BMW Concept Compact Sedan, which made its world premiere at Guangzhou Motor Show 2015. As a model ready for production, the BMW 1 Series Sedan maintains design elements of the concept car, including BMW’s typical body proportion. The BMW 1 Series Sedan is instantly recognisable as a BMW.
It has a concise BMW face with double kidney grille as well as LED double round headlamps and brand emblem in a very present, sporty and modern interpretation. The characteristic BMW design language is also shown in the sporty, emotional and modern-looking silhouette with Hofmeister kink.
The BMW 1 Series Sedan is the latest proof of BMW Group’s strength in innovation and is superior in terms of connectivity. Its comprehensive BMW ConnectedDrive technologies provide all customers unparalleled convenience, rich infotainment, and significantly enhanced safety. The latest powerful and technology-leading engines with hi-tech electronic technology from BMW are produced at the new local engine plant in Shenyang and guarantee unparalleled driving pleasure.
After the successful launch of the BMW X1 and the BMW 2 Series Active Tourer, the BMW 1 Series Sedan is added to the model range, which now comprises five locally-produced BMW model series in China. With that BMW offers even more attractive entry-level models for its customers. This will further help to expand the company’s product substance and competitive advantage.
The BMW Group
With its three brands BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce, the BMW Group is the world’s leading premium manufacturer of automobiles and motorcycles and also provides premium financial and в первых рядах services. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 31 production and assembly facilities in 14 countries and has a global sales network in more than 140 countries.
In 2015, the BMW Group sold approximately 2.247 million cars and nearly 137,000 motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2015 was approximately € 9.22 billion on revenues amounting to € 92.18 billion. As of 31 December 2015, the BMW Group had a workforce of 122,244 employees.
The success of the BMW Group has always been based on long-term thinking and responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and social sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its strategy.
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