Концепт Mitsubishi XM был предвестником серийного автомобиля
Компания Mitsubishi рассекретила в сети новый концепт-кар XM, что будет представлен спустя семь дней на интернациональном автосалоне в Индонезии. Этот прототип намекает на появление в следующем году нового серийного автомобиля японской марки.
Новый концепт-кар Mitsubishi XM оформлен в одной стилистике с продемонстрированным на Токийском автосалоне 2015 года прототипом eX. Два автомобиля фактически однообразные спереди, но отличаются формой и длиной задней части кузова, и количеством мест и расположением дверей в салоне — у eX четыре сидения, а в XM три последовательности кресел на 7 человек. Характеристики в Mitsubishi пока не разглашают, по некоторым данным новый концепт оснащён совокупностью автопилотирования и электрической силовой установкой с запасом хода и полным приводом до 400 км.
Mitsubishi eX Concept
Больше подробностей станет известно через несколько дней, в то время, когда откроется выставка Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show 2016. Как сообщили в Mitsubishi, концепт XM есть предвестником компактного кроссовера-минивэна, что начнут собирать в октябре 2017 года на конвейере нового завода в индонезийской префектуре Бекаси. Кроме прототипа новой модели на стенде Mitsubishi Motors будет продемонстрирован джип Pajero Sport в нескольких выполнениях, пикап Triton Lightning (L200), кроссовер Outlander Спорт, минивэн Delica, и хэтчбек Mirage для местного рынка.
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XM Concept Crossover SUV Debuts at GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show 2016
Tokyo, August 4, 2016 — Mitsubishi Motors Corporation’s (MMC) MITSUBISHI XM* Concept, small crossover MPV concept car will make its world premiere at the GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show 2016*2. The concept car fuses the toughness of an SUV with the versatility of an MPV.
·World Premiere of Small Crossover MPV Concept Car
The MITSUBISHI XM Concept uses a wide body and optimized layout to provide generous interior space that allows seven occupants to relax in comfort. The front end incorporates Mitsubishi Motors’ Dynamic Shield front design concept that gives visual expression to its function of protecting occupants and the vehicle.
A unique crossover/MPV, it will fuse SUV-like functionality along with SUV-like styling featuring deeply flared front and rear fenders that express stability and generous ground clearance that add sportiness to a sleek body that features free-flowing character lines. A small crossover MPV adopting features of the MITSUBISHI XM Concept will be produced starting from in October 2017 at a new factory located in Bekasi Prefecture, West Java Province to be commissioned earlier in the same year.
Joining MITSUBISHI XM Concept on the MMC booth will be passenger cars sold in Indonesia including the 2017 Miragesubcompact featuring a sporty and refined exterior makeover (Indonesia sales due to begin in August this year) and thePajero Спорт (Montero Спорт in some markets) midsize SUV which was selected for four awards including Car of the Year 2016*3.
1. MITSUBISHI XM Concept: Overview
1) Concept
A crossover MPV conceived to ideally suit to также extended families featuring a wide body and an optimized layout to provide generous interior space that allows seven occupants to relax in comfort. Fusing the styling and functionality of an SUV makes for safe, comfortable and enjoyable transportation.
2) Exterior design
The design distinctly expresses the SUV-MPV concept through the sleek and sporty lines of the body along with high all-terrain performance.
The front end incorporates Mitsubishi Motors’ Dynamic Shield front design concept. The left and right corners of bumper flow inward to embrace the black grille which symbolizes power and performance; powerfully expressing the protection it gives to both occupants as well as the vehicle, with consideration given to pedestrian safety.
The side view is characterized by deeply flared fenders and an edgy sculpted character line, creating the powerful and sporty looks typical of an SUV. In contrast, moving the cab point forward creates a flowing line that extends from the engine hood to the roof, then drops gently down the rear end; in addition floating D-pillars express a free-flowing MPV look.
The generous ground clearance and the underguard protecting the bottom of the body from all sides allows the vehicle to be driven with confidence over unpaved roads and during tropical squalls.
3) Interior design
The three rows of seats are optimally located to provide a roomy interior space that seats seven occupants comfortably, allowing for a variety of seat arrangements.
The horizontal dashboard accentuates the breadth of an MPV. Together with the wide elevated center console, black/white high-contrast interior coloring, and silver accents the interior reflects a refined look.
Теги: mitsubishi мир новинки
Mitsubishi Motors Thailand — Mitsubishi XM Concept
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