Honda рассекретила новый Civic Type R (12 фото)
Кто бы имел возможность поразмыслить,что события разрешат нам назвать новый Civic Type R соперником нового же Seat Leon Cupra. И первый и второй отдают передним колёсам около 300 лошадиных сил, оба претендуют на звание стремительнейшего переднеприводного автомобиля Нюрбургринга. Но испанец уже продаётся и завоевал соответствующий титул, а японец числится концептом и лишь обещает надрать задний бампер выскочке «Сеату».
Honda представила в Женеве предсерийный концепт тёплого хетчбэка Civic Type R новой генерации. На рекламных картинах машина выглядит превосходно, шикарно смотрится и живьём. Модель всецело готова и неясно, из-за чего японцы именуют её концептом.
Honda говорит, что «спорткар для дорог неспециализированного пользования» покажется в автосалонах Европы лишь в 2015 году. Главным отличием от серийного спорткара станет, по всей видимости, огромное антикрыло, которое, в лучших традициях японских мультипликационных фильмов, увеличит прижимную силу автомобили.
Крыло это, что бы мы не говорили, не простое. Его форма, угол атаки и другие аэродинамические параметры забраны не с потолка, а взяты в следствии долгих тестов на Нюрбургринге и в инженерных центрах Honda.
Помимо этого, новый Civic Type R радует широкой фальшрадиаторной крупными воздухозаборниками и решёткой для дополнительного охлаждения тёплого мотора. О двигателе японцы снова молчат. Знаем, что под капотом стоит 300-сильный двухлитровый агрегат, но более правильных черт не скажем.
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Как направляться из пресс-релиза японской компании, Civic Type R Concept сидит на 20-дюймовых колесных дисках, что для автомобили размера и такого класса многовато. Инженерам было нужно поменять форму обвесов и крыльев, дабы арки уместили громадные диски.
Помимо этого новые крылья кроме этого помогают цели оптимизации воздушного потока, для этого в них проделаны особые отверстия. Серийный Civic Type R будет оснащёт шестиступенчатой механической коробкой передач. Компания обещает, что автомобиль станет самой стремительной переднеприводной машиной на Нюрбургринге, но пока данный титул удерживает Seat Leon Cupra.
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Галерея фотографий Civic Type R
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Honda today reveals its 2014 Geneva Motor Show line-up, including the worldwide debut of the Civic Type R Concept model, the European debut of the Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) Concept, the powertrain layout of the new NSX and the 2014 Civic World Touring Car Championship race car.
Racing Car for the Road – Civic Type R Concept
Honda’s appearance at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show will lead with the worldwide reveal of the Civic Type R Concept model, providing the styling direction for the exterior design of the highly-anticipated production version that debuts in 2015. Dubbed by the design team as a ‘racing car for the road’, its bold and aggressive styling reflects the strong performance characteristics for which Type R is renowned.
Bold and Aggressive, Styled to светло синий Performance
Honda’s appearance at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show will lead with the worldwide reveal of the Civic Type R Concept model, providing the не меньше for the exterior design of the hotly-anticipated production version that debuts in 2015. Its bold and aggressive styling reflects the strong performance credentials for which Type R is renowned.
Described by the design team as a ‘racing car for the road’ rather than a high performance version of a road car, the new Type R светло синий set to signal a new era for the marque- this model is set to be the most extreme Civic Type R yet. Its sleek and aerodynamic profile reflects a car designed for function and performance whilst maintaining the look of a road car and the distinctive character of Type R.
“Type R represents Honda’s racing spirit. It is built with a passion for motorsport.”
Masaru Hasegawa – Chief Stylist, Civic Type R
Styling is heavily linked to performance, with the Type R Concept showing its credentials in the exterior design. Many of the styling features offer real function, rather than just aesthetics, as confirmed by feedback from prototype testing at the famous Nurburgring Nordschleife in Germany. The need to reduce drag, add down-force, provide cooling and achieve optimum airflow, were key considerations for the design team.
The front spoiler is designed to add down-force, the vertical side wings and the cut out shape of the front bumper help to reduce drag and control airflow around the front tyres. A red stripe running along the front spoiler further accentuates the Type R’s low and wide stance.
Furthermore, the new headlight design with integrated LED daytime running lights and the sharp horizontal fog lights, не меньше strong character to the face of the Type R Concept. The upper and lower front grilles have been enlarged and air outlets on the bonnet provide cooling for the high output engine. The front and rear fenders have been widened to accommodate семь дней tyres and air outlets are integrated немного optimise airflow.
One of the most stand-out advances on the Concept model is the new rear spoiler featuring LED tail lights integrated into the rear wing which accentuates the Type R’s futuristic look.
The shape and angle of the double rear wing has been designed to provide additional down-force, as a direct result of feedback gained through testing on the track.
Supporting the design direction are 20-inch wheels, edged by a red ring, with visible red brake callipers and a bright red stripe running along the bottom of the front spoiler. Such features add to the aggressive appearance which reflects the inspiring driving experience that the Type R promises to deliver.
Styling and modelling of the new Concept has been carried out in Europe, with the team based at Honda’s R&D centre in Swindon, UK. The design team maintained close contact with production colleagues, as they worked towards achieving the styling direction of the Concept model. Building on Honda’s Pedigree for Turbo-Charged Engines
While further detail on performance is yet to be announced, Honda has confirmed that the forthcoming Type R will be the first model in Europe to feature one of its brand new VTEC TURBO engines from the Earth Dreams Technology range. The two-litre, direct injection, four-cylinder turbo is expected to deliver class-leading output of at least 280PS and will be EURO 6 compliant.
Turbo engines have not been seen in Honda’s production cars in Europe for some time, however, the company has continued to actively develop turbo technology, deploying it on the race track and in road cars in other regions. The 2013 WTCC season saw Honda successfully return to the track with the turbo-charged HR412E in the Civic; powering the Castrol Honda World Touring Car team and Zengo Motorsport team to become the Manufacturers’ Champion in Honda´s first full season.
Honda’s successful return to WTCC in 2013, has been instrumental in gathering knowledge that has helped shape the new Type R, providing the development team with analysis and feedback on performance and styling collected from the track to assist in the creation of a ‘racing car for the road’ from the Civic five-door.
Теги: honda женева 2014 хетчбэк
Honda Civic Type-R — ВТЭЭЭЭК! (Вывод Обладателя)
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