Машины Шевроле обучились предвещать поломки
Компания Шевроле выпустила разработку Proactive Alerts, которая разбирает состояние «здоровья» автомобиля и заблаговременно информирует водителю о возможных поломках. Новая услуга доступна для пользователей спутникового сервиса OnStar, что устанавливается на машины брендов концерна Дженерал моторс.
Как пояснили в Шевроле, при каждом запуске двигателя автомобиля, бортовая совокупность разбирает работу стартера, аккумулятора и топливного насоса. Показатели работы компонентов на каждой конкретной модели сверяются через базы данных OnStar с эталонными размерами, и с показателями вторых подключенных к совокупности автомобилей. Анализ трансформаций разрешает не только констатировать наличие очевидной неприятности, но и прогнозировать возможный выход из строя узла обозримой перспективе.
При обнаружении каких-либо «подозрений» электроника выведет сообщение на экран мультимедийной совокупности. Комплекс кроме этого возможно настроить для информирования по SMS и email, в зависимости от предпочтений пользователя.
В случае если же наладить обмен информацией с дилерами, последние смогут заказывать нужные подробности до обращения клиентов. По словам разработчиков схожая по концепции разработка используется в самолёте Boeing 787, где электроника способна в автоматическом режиме отправлять на протяжении полёта диспечерским уведомления о необходимости проведения дополнительной проверки оборудования.
В Шевроле кроме этого подчернули, что сейчас Proactive Alerts не имеет аналогов на серийных машинах вторых производителей. Сервис доступен для обладателей пикапа Silverado, внедорожников Tahoe и Suburban, спорткара Corvette, и для кроссовера Equinox 2016 года выпуска.
В будущем разработка начнёт разбирать и предвещать поломки вторых компонентов машин. Кроме этого будет расширен перечень совместимых с совокупностью моделей Шевроле и вторых машин концерна GM.
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Шевроле Now Offers Customers Ability to ‘See’ the Future
Шевроле is introducing the industry’s first predictive technology, enabling your vehicle to warn you about a potential maintenance need before it occurs.
DETROIT – Шевроле is introducing the industry’s first predictive technology, enabling your vehicle to warn you about a potential maintenance need before it occurs.
The technology is similar in concept to that on the Boeing 787, which can send in-flight messages to ground crews alerting them of parts needing inspection before the plane arrives. For Шевроле drivers who opt-in to the service, OnStar Proactive Alerts continually monitors the health of the vehicle’s starter motor, fuel pump and 12-volt battery. If anomalies are detected, OnStar will notify drivers to take their vehicle in for service, reducing unexpected repairs.
The service, is available now for OnStar subscribers who own a 2016 Chevy Silverado, Tahoe, Suburban, Corvette and Equinox.
“Chevrolet is already the most awarded car brand in the industry, and Silverado is the most dependable, longest lasting full-size pickup on the road,” said Steve Holland, chief technologist for Vehicle Health Management at General Motors. “With Proactive Alerts, we now can offer customers even greater peace-of-mind by taking the guesswork out of when to service their vehicle.”
Proactive Alerts collects a small batch of data each time the vehicle is started, and monitors it on an ongoing basis. Then, sophisticated systems analyze and refine billions of pieces of data, accumulated across the fleet of vehicles. If the data indicates a particular vehicle’s component is not performing as expected, the system will automatically send the driver a message through an in-vehicle notification, and either an email or text message based on customer preference.
“Accuracy is the key to our prediction algorithms,” Holland said. “We will be able to inform dealer service departments so they can spend less time testing for a condition we have already diagnosed. They can replace the necessary part quicker and minimize the amount of time a customer’s vehicle is at the dealership.”
Proactive Alerts is offered with all OnStar service plans on eligible models, including the OnStar Basic Plan that comes standard for five years on new Шевроле vehicles. в наше время the future, plans are in place for Proactive Alerts to monitor additional vehicle components and expand to other Шевроле models.
For немного, Proactive Alerts can monitor the health of the 12-volt battery. The system is intelligent enough to distinguish between a low state of charge – which can be solved by going for a short drive – and high electrical resistance that could indicate the battery needs replacement.
“A few companies are doing limited in-vehicle diagnostics, but none have yet demonstrated the capability we offer,” said Paul Krajewski, director of the Vehicle Systems Research Laboratory at General Motors. “As we keep expanding the parts of the vehicle we cover, we hope to continuously enhance our customers’ experience, saving them time and money.”
About Chevrolet
Founded in 1911 in Detroit, Chevrolet is now one of the world»s largest car brands, doing business in more than 115 countries and selling around 4.8 million cars and trucks a year. Chevrolet provides customers with fuel-efficient vehicles that feature engaging performance, design that makes the heart beat, passive and active safety features and easy-to-use technology, all at a value. More information on Chevrolet models can be found at www.chevrolet.com.
About OnStar
Launched in 1996, OnStar is a wholly owned subsidiary of GM Holdings LLC (“GM”) and offers emergency, security, navigation, connections and vehicle manager services in Chevrolet, Buick, GMC, Cadillac, Opel and Vauxhall models. Totaling more than 7 million subscribers in North America, South America, Europe and China, OnStar offers a range of standard, subscription and a la carte services such as the RemoteLink mobile app, Advanced Diagnostics, Automatic Crash Response, Stolen Vehicle Assistance, AtYourService, OnStar Smart Driver and 4G LTE Wi-Fi. In 2015, OnStar surpassed 1 billion customer interactions, topped more than 2 million 4G LTE Wi-Fi equipped-vehicles, and debuted in Opel/Vauxhall.
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