I saw this video, and wanted to talk about it, because I think it’s interesting. Forgive me if what I’m writing doesn’t translate well, and since the video is in English, I will explain so you can watch some of it and understand what’s going on.
These guys bought an older VW Golf MkIII, for about $1K, and while it WAS a piece of crap, the body was straight, and it was a running, driving car. Their goal was to increase the car’s ‘street cred’ -now let me explain what that is, if I can. The literal translation of that would be ‘street credential’ or how well is it perceived by other ‘car guys’ on the street. Basically, would people like yourselves think it looks cool, but they wanted to do that without spending more than $1,700.
The guy in the video didn’t even know how to explain what ‘street cred’ was, but the plain, white Golf basically had a street cred number of 3. So first they stripped it of most of the paint.
Then they poured beer, yes, beer, and salt on the exposed metal of the body, to make it rust on purpose, they even pissed one of the front fenders, the other fender they cut out pages of a Japanese comic book, and glued them on the fender. They also spray painted the bumpers and trim black. Then they installed some basic coil overs to lower the car, and some basic steel wheels, black.
They also put some fender flare, or trim, around the fenders, after they rolled them out a little to compensate for the off-set wheels. This is what it looked like:
After they did all this, they took the car to a car show, and they thought it was going to be a european car show, but it was actually a Honda show, oh well, who cares. People were fascinated by the car:
You can watch the whole video here, please let me know what you think:
How To: Lowering A Model Car
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